
Cutting-edge applications need high-performance servers

NSP provides a broad range of high-performance servers and components for data centers and campus networks powered by the latest multi-core Intel® Xeon® processors. Our broad selection of servers come with dynamic power management features that reduce power consumption and cooling costs.

We also support FusionSphere virtualization, which simplifies compute provisioning and allows you to run today’s most resource-intensive apps with ease.

NSP Servers are:

  • Simple - comes with pre-integrated compute, storage, and network, and auto-configuration features
  • Flexible - computing resources can be configured to adapt to various workloads
  • Agile - server virtualization reduces deployment time from months to days
  • Efficient - unified management, automation, and one-click deployment reduce operational expenditures by 30%

NSP offers and manages two key products from Huawei:

FusionCube FusionSphere
  • Large 12U server cabinet
  • Supports up to 192 CPUs/rack and 36 TB RAM/rack
  • Virtualization optimized
  • Converged storage and SSD cache
  • Flexible slots for compute/storage blades
  • Database support: Oracle, DB2, Sybase IQ, SQL Server, and SAP HANA
  • FusionSphere, VMware, and KVM compatible
  • Unified management system for provisioning and VM management
  • Auto-discovery and configuration for newly installed servers
  • Elastic computing and load balancing features